The Complete Guide to Scouse Slang Phrases & Scouse Words

The Asda

Liverpool is renowned for a lot of things; its amazing docklands, being the home of The Beatles and being the capital of Curly Blows but how much scouse slang do you know?

If you’ve been in Liverpool for any amount of time, you’ll know a few of these phrases but have you ever been in The Asda and heard the women in front talking about jibbing off their boyfriend and wondered what the hell was going on? Allow us to educate you on some of that Liverpool slang.

Table of Contents

 Scouse Sayings – Scouse Slang Words: 

 #1 Sound 

Definition: cool or good

Use: How you doin’ lad? Yeah sound mate

 #2 Arl arse 

Definition: cruel

Use: Stop being an arl arse.

 #3 Arl Fella 

Definition: father

Use: I’m going for a bevvy with me arl fella.

 #4 Wool 

Definition: Someone who’s from the surrounding areas of Liverpool such as the Wirral or St Helens.

Use: He likes to pretend he’s from Liverpool, but he’s from the Wirral the wool.

 #5 G’wed 

Definition: Go ahead

Use: G’wed, lad. Nice one.

 #6 The Asda 

Definition: Asda

Use: I’m going the Asda for some bifters.

 #7 Lid 

Definition:  Lad

Use: I’m going the Asda, lid.

 #8 Boss 

Definition:  Incredibly Awesome

Use: They’re some boss webs, la.

 #9 Offie 

Definition: off-licence

Use: I’m not going the Asda when there’s an offie down the road.

 #10 Antwacky 

Definition: Old fashioned

Use: Me arl fella’s house is pure antwacky.

 #11 Bifter 

Definition: Cigarettes/joint

Use: Gis one of those bifters so I don’t have to go the offie.

 #12 Trabs 

Definition: Trainers

Use: Lad, don’t be an arl arse and borrow us ya trabs.

 #13 Scran 

Definition: Food

Use: Me Ma’s making me a proper scran tonight lad

 #14 Abar 

Definition: About

Use: What you on abar, you wool.

 #15 The Ozzy 

Definition: The Hospital

Use: If I eat any more scran I’ll end up in the ozzy.

 #16 Bizzies 

Definition: The Police

Use: You seen all the bizzies outside the offie?

 #17 La 

Definition: Lad

Use: In a bit, la.

 #18 Blert 

Definition: Idiot

Use: Don’t be a blert and give us a lift to town.

 #19 Webs 

Definition: Trainers

Use: Ay La, those webs are boss.

 #20 Cob on 

Definition: Bad mood

Use: He’s got a cob on abar the match, lad.

 #21 Jibbed 

Definition: stood up/dumped

Use: If he says me arl fella’s house is antwacky one more time he’s getting jibbed

 #22 Jarg 

Definition: Fake

Use: They’re some jarg trabs them

 #23 Kecks 

Definition: pants or trousers

Use: I’ve only gone and ripped me kecks, lad.

 #24 Sagging off 

Definition: Not going to school

Use: Me ma won’t let me out because I was sagging off.

 #25 Keep Dixie 

Definition: Keeping a look out

Use: You keep dixie while I run into the offie for some bifters.

 #26 Judy 

Definition: Girlfriend

Use: Me Judy cooks an blindin’ Scouse

 #27 Geggin’ in 

Definition: Being nosey

Use: Eee, stop geggin’ in.

 #28 Show 

Definition: Mess

Use: Her curly blow looks an absolute show

 #29 In bulk 

Definition: Laughing hard

Use: Am not even messing, he had me in bulk.

 #30 Bins 

Definition: Glasses

Use: You seen her bins, they look a show.

 #31 Meff 

Definition: It’s an insult but not completely offensive, a dismissive term meaning an idiot or someone stupid.

Use: Ignore him lad, he’s just being a proper meff.

 #32 Eee 

Definition: An expression of disgust or disapproval

Use: Eee look at her pants

 #33 Bevy 

Definition: alcoholic drink

Use: You coming for a bevvy after work girl

 #34 Baltic 

Definition: Freezing

Use: It’s absolutely Baltic in here

 #35 Made Up 

Definition: Happy

Use: Got a new job, I’m absolutely made up

 #36 West 

Definition: Crazy or weird

Use: Lad, last night was proper west ya’no

 #37 Ice Lolly 

Definition: Scouse for an ice lolly

Use: I’m absolutely roasting, could do with a lolly ice

 #38 Heavy Salad 

Definition: That’s bad news/ that’s unfortunate

Use: “me Judy just left me” “that’s heavy salad la”

 #39 Brassic 

Definition: Out of pocket

Use: can’t go for a bevy tonight la am brassic

 #40 Is right 

Definition: You are correct/ that is deserved

Use: “i’ll get the bevies in” “is right la”

 #41 Swerve 

Definition: Do not attend or avoid

Use: Swerve that meeting later let’s go get some scran.

 #42 Beut 

Definition: Fool

Use: What a beut!

 #43 Come ‘ed 

Definition: Let’s go/come along

Use: Come ‘ed lets jib this beut off

 #44 Barnet 

Definition: Hair do

Use: Haha get on to her barnet it’s a show!

 #45 Grid 

Definition: Face

Use: What’s up with your grid?

 #46 Arr Ay 

Definition: Why did you do that/ I can’t believe you just did that

Use: Arr Ay that’s arl arse that!

 #47 Bladdered 

Definition: Drunk beyond comprehension

Use: He’s bladdered come ‘ed we best swerve the next bar

If you think we’ve missed anything let us know by commenting below. We’d love to hear more of your great scouse words.

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